I've decided to take a step back before proceeding to FabricPath, instead I am reading and watching videos of Nexus Hardware Architecture again just to familiarise myself with this new (to me, at least) platform.
I was lost in documents, articles, discussion forums about Nexus and it's caveats. Lots to remember, so many information but so far it's been pretty exciting stuff. I've also drafted my FabricPath post but I've decided to skip FabricPath for now and leap forward to Layer 3 (and redundancy protocol) configuration of Nexus.
Coming from Routing-Switching experiences, layer 3 routing protocols probably doesn't change much between IOS and NX-OS. The second reason for this is, NX-OS book that I am reading does not have much content on FabricPath, and I intend to fully tackle that subject cautiously. I wanted to know more about it, means more videos watching, more documentations reading and all those fun stuff.
Meanwhile, when I read back about VDC, I quickly whipped up Excel and wrote down the interface allocation rules in VDC:
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